Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Blowout Routine

Every girl needs a good straight hair routine right?! Believe it or not this routine takes me 45mins!! ( ok... the blow-dry and flatiron part lol) Now I know my straight hair beauties may not be impressed but my Curly girls know that this is a small accomplishment. This style last me for TEN WHOLE days no touchups with heat in between which helps to keep my strands healthy. (I DO give my hair breaks from heat in between and sport my natural curls also) See all steps and products below!

I always start by shampooing and deep conditioning, I prefer to use a professional quality  especially before I blow-dry and flat iron. I like to deep condition for at least one hour, so I always like to make sure I have the time just for that.The deep conditioning really aids in keeping my curls intact.

After rinsing my conditioner with cool water ( seals cuticle and adds shine), then towel drying,  I section my hair in half and apply a dime size of each Aveda Smooth Infusion product to each side right before I blow dry. These products are for All HAIR Types, my hair loves both styling products! ( I have been using each for two years) 

shampoo and conditioner: Chi Keratin shampoo and conditioner ( I change my shampoos and conditioners all the time, I'm using these at the moment) / styler: Aveda Smooth Infusion style prep and glossing straightener ( each product smooths and protects from heat! / heat protectant: Chi Iron Guard ( I change heat protectants from time to time too). Purchase products at Aveda stores or website and Chi products at Ulta stores or website

I use a large paddle brush to blow dry each side. It takes about 15mins total ( DONT get scared this is how it looks after i blow-dry lol)

Before flat ironing I mist my whole head with heat protectant ( used Chi 44 Iron Guard) I flat iron with my Ghd ceramic iron, ( purchase at Sephora ) it gets about 360 degrees. This time I went for body and volume so I smoothed and curled 4inch sections by giving my iron a half turn and ribboning my hair through. I Then use a wide tooth comb and rake through my hair to loosen the curls and done! Takes about 30mins to complete

My Results!! (To maintain I wrap with a silk scarf at night and take down in the morning)


  1. Great natural hair blog.... gorgeous hair

  2. I LOVE your hair. My daughter is six yrs old and im curious and craving the days for a simple hair fix. I also product swap on her hair. Do you think shes too young for this process? Shes natural &her hair has never been heat treated

    1. Thank you so much!! The process for your daughter's hair is totally healthy just be sure to lower the heat. Blow-dry on low or warm and flat iron on 330 degrees. This will smooth stretch the hair for other styles and should last a week. The only thing to beware is it won't last as long if her hair is left completely down since I'm sure she runs and plays but if you put her hair in ponytails or twist it will work great!

  3. Thank you!!... With your daughter's hair the same process is totally healthy just be sure to dial down the heat. Be sure your blowdryer is on low or warm and your flat iron is on about 330 degrees. This should allow you to smooth and stretch the hair for other styles for the week. The only thing with her being 6 yrs old is the style not lasting as long if her hair is left down, but if you put her hair in ponytails or twist it will work great!

  4. Hi,
    I am not sure if this is the best place to ask you a couple questions but I suppose I can try.

    Well, I have used weave for almost all my teenage life and recently decided to let me hair out, it's bra strap length and its natural.
    I am trying to figure out how to retain my length. I'm not sure if different textures will result in a harder or easier time retaining length. I don't want to have to use protective hair styles like braids and weaves to retain length, so I was wondering how you've been able to do so. I put my hair in a low bun for a "protective style" I'm not sure if that's ok. Also do you know of any products that could make my hair not look as dull when it's not straight and begins to revert back.My hair straight will look sleek and shiny without any product to give you an idea what my hair can do. I also have very thick roots but very loose strands at the end of my hair. They don't curl much nor do they wave-it's kinda weird. I just need some help trying to figure my hair out. I live in up north so it's difficult to find help for my hair that doesn't result in someone telling me to protect with a weave or braids!
