Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Deep Conditioning (Biolage HydraSource Mask)

Keeping my hair healthy is very important to me! As you can tell my hair is extremely curly and curly hair needs all the moisture it can get well atleast mine does. I deep condition my hair twice a month. I heat style my hair often so I like to make sure I pamper it to keep damage hair and split ends to a minimum. 

Each time I deep condition I change my products. This is so important for my haircare routine.  I usually keep 2 professional hair mask and 2 or 3 detangling conditioners usually drug store quality. The products I used this time were the Tresamme Touchable Softness ( available at Target and local drugstores) and the Biolage Hydrasource mask
(available at Ulta beauty stores)
After detangling with the Tressame Touchable Softness and rinsing. My hair felt super soft already!
( No products  just the curls au naturale)

Next step was to apply The Biolage Hydrasource mask to deep condition I always section to make sure I  don't neglect spots

Once my hair is saturated I put in a loose ponytail and a plastic cap  for 1-2 hrs. Today was laundry day so I deep conditioned for 1.5hours

 RESULTS!  I rinsed my conditioner in cool water My hair feels like silk I then applied Argan oil, Shea moisture curl and style milk and Miss Jessie's Jelly soft curls ( New Product Combo for me) and I love the results! So Shiny and soft!